
I provide editing services for students, businesses, websites, independent writers (also typing services), musicians, composers and arrangers.

Ivor Mcgrego - a trusted contractor for proofreading work


Your thesis or dissertation is one of the most important parts of your studies. You want to present your original work and thought at its very best.

Not only can I help you polish your writing, but I will guide you through the process of working with a professional editor. It may well be your first time doing something like this.

There are some ethical constraints and limits to what any proofreader can offer to students. In this I am guided by my membership of the Chartered Institute of Proofreading and Editing. I will not rewrite or change the style of your work. The help I offer focuses on spelling, grammar and language consistency.

I provide a specialist service for music academics which draws on my extensive experience as a professional violinist and composer. I already speak the language you will be using in your thesis.


It’s often a good idea to bring in a language consultant to ensure that your written and digital materials are working in the best way for your company.

Such materials include business reports, marketing materials, in-house documents, training information, websites and blogs.

As a professionally qualified editor I will help you achieve good, clear and consistent writing. I can provide checks for the following:

  • spelling, punctuation and grammar
  • help create a style sheet if you do not already have one
  • consistency of hyphens and capitals
  • figures, tables and labelling
  • headings and subheadings
  • consistent style of dates and lists


Perhaps you are one of many people starting up their own business today. A website is an essential ‘shop window’ giving potential clients a first view of your services, as this one is doing here.

It’s a crucial first impression and I can help you make it as positive as possible. Why not show clients the same attention to detail there as you will in your actual business?

Such details include spelling, grammar, clarity of the message you want to convey, not to mention checking that those links all work and won’t lead to out-of-date content or ‘404 error’ messages.

Independent Writers

Fiction, short stories, drama and screenplays – I provide that final check and polish to your writing.

Whether you are preparing a manuscript for self-publication or to send round to publishers, you’ll doubtless want it in pristine condition. I’ll assist you in getting rid of those typos, spelling errors, punctuation problems, grammar glitches and inconsistencies.

Your style is unique, as is your author’s voice. You can trust me to respect that, so do get in touch to discuss your project and how I can help you with it.

Typing Services

Not everyone has access to Word and Office programmes on a computer. You might be someone who has material already on hard copy that you would like transferred to a Word file for publication or other purposes. I can input this, proofread it and provide you with Word and PDF files. This can be useful for people who are not confident with computers, and I will consult you all the way to ensure the file represents your work as you intend it.

Musicians, Composers and Arrangers

All musical performers need practical, error-free materials in order to play at their very highest levels. I will edit and proofread your compositions and arrangements, setting up the parts with good page turns and clear cues.
My years of experience playing in orchestras and proofreading for a major music publisher will ensure that your music is presented at its very best.

Ivor proofed BBC Philharmonic’s 23/24 season brochure – he was meticulous and considered with an extremely high level of attention to detail. The proofing was done quickly (due to our tight timelines!) and Ivor was brilliant to deal with on it. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend.Beth Wells – Interim Director, BBC Philharmonic Orchestra


I am happy to recommend Ivor as an academic proof-reader and super-professional formatter. Ivor helped me to format and present my submission for a PhD in educational history at the Institute of Education (University College London). I was very worried about meeting the requirements for a digital presentation. Ivor responded promptly, patiently and diligently. He successfully completed the task and dealt with my anxieties and errors with good humour and intelligent understanding. He was a life-saver, and I am grateful.
Judith Rose – Teacher and Academic


It’s a great idea to ask Ivor to review your website! He did a fabulous job, checking for spelling mistakes, typos and bad phrasing. He gave a speedy service at an excellent price and I feel more confident knowing that my professionalism is not betrayed by a less than perfect knowledge of the English language: highly recommended!Michael Fox – Argyle Fox Finance


Ivor has proofed a number of manuscripts for me and I have been really pleased with the service that he has offered. His proofreading is meticulous and detailed and his attention to detail is faultless. Ivor offers corrections for misspellings, grammar, use of words, punctuation and when he feels it would be helpful, he suggests ways of re-structuring phrases or paragraphs. My manuscripts have included detailed academic footnotes and Ivor has been really helpful in bringing to my attention inconsistencies, page reference errors and other mistakes. In other places he might suggest a footnote reference to clarify or to offer better information to the reader. I have no hesitation in recommending Ivor. He is good to work with and his work is thoroughly professional and of a very high standard.Adrian RanceWriter and Academic


I am deeply grateful to Ivor McGregor for his copy-edit of my John Joubert biography. His meticulous attention to detail has been truly awe-inspiring, combined, as it is, with a stimulating, often challenging, but always helpful approach to perceived textual ‘grey’ areas. His comments, always pertinent, combined with a professional regulation of punctuation, word-definition, footnote reference and typo identification, have contributed significantly to the presentational aspect of my ms. No praise can be too high for Ivor’s work: his friendly approach, his commitment and expertise is demonstrative of the very highest professional standard. He has my most grateful thanks.Dr Kenneth Birkin – Scholar and Musicologist